* Source and Destination Drivers
Source and Destination Drivers, version In prior video sessions, we have established the illustrated schema above to elucidate the intercommunication between a source and a destination. Moving forward, we shall delineate the ETL processes slated for implementation, consistently elucidating them in alignment with the aforementioned schema. In our preceding model development, the creation of the Provider has been effectuated.
Consequently, within our schema, we shall expunge all representations, given their yet-to-be-realized nature, and solely denote the name of the Provider that has been instantiated. Our focus lies in the loading of the company dimension, heralded as the inaugural load to be executed. Hence, the foremost endeavor entails the construction of the source and destination drivers.
By discerning the source, it is discerned that the source data shall emanate from a text file, wherein the content encapsulates an SQL query. In contrast, the destination shall comprise a table within the Data Warehouse, denominated as GIN COMPANY. Therefore, it becomes imperative to establish connections to both these sources.
Prudence is warranted to eschew confusion. The data source for GIN COMPANY is epitomized by a text file housing a query. It should be underscored that the text file per se shall not serve as the source.
Upon meticulous observation, it is discerned that the SQL query remains static, devoid of referencing any specific table. Consequently, in the context of the source driver, it necessitates transcending beyond a mere text file, instead necessitating a database wherein said query can be executed. Moreover, the selection of the database holds no pertinence, as no allusion to any particular table is evident.
Thus, we opt to utilize the SQL database of the Data Warehouse as both the source and destination. These aforementioned components constitute the source files germane to the Data Warehouse loading process. Furthermore, an ancillary component, COMPANIES.txt, emerges as a pertinent entity. Upon scrutiny, it is discerned that said file harbors an SQL query bereft of any table references.
For validation, if one were to navigate to SQL Server via Management Studio, selecting the srcdb database as an illustrative example of the source database and subsequently initializing a new query, one could test the query encapsulated within the txt file within the script. Upon execution, a corresponding result would ensue.
Conversely, if one were to direct attention towards the targetdb database, designated as the destination, and execute the same query, an analogous outcome would transpire. This underlines the query's autonomy from the chosen database. Nonetheless, for execution to transpire, the selection of a database remains requisite.
In light of the ascertainable destination database, denoted as targetdb, it is expedient to utilize said database as the source database as well. Subsequently, readdressing our focus towards the product, within PIX, the mssqlserver driver warrants attention.
Inclusion of the driver, earmarked as the source and destination for the company dimension reading process, ensues. In the designated fields, "name" shall be designated as sqlserver targetdb, while "description" shall accommodate any supplementary descriptors pertinent to the driver.
A pivotal determinant lies in the selection of the provider associated with this driver. Notably, owing to the singular provider within our model, it stands as the sole entity available for selection.
Transitioning to the dbdriver tab, requisite connection properties shall be furnished. The "server" field shall be populated with the designated server name, while user authentication shall be executed via the SA user. Subsequently, the password specified during the sqlserver installation shall be entered, alongside the database name denoted as target underscore db.
Upon formulation of this novel driver, initiation of the "new" button effectuates its creation. Confirmation of inclusion substantiates the creation of the driver. To ascertain its efficacy, selection of the driver followed by the execution of the "test the driver" button shall ensue.
Upon execution, the successful establishment of a connection shall be denoted via a dialog box. In conclusion, appreciation is extended, with anticipation towards forthcoming discourse.